aviation fluids

As the first fire-resistant hydraulic fluid in the industry, Skydrol™ aviation hydraulic fluids have been the trusted choice for manufacturers and operators for more than 75 years. Skydrol is backed by experts in phosphate ester technology and remains the most advanced fluid on the market.

Buying Skydrol gives you access to a proven product as well as Eastman experts, who make available a sample analysis program so your fluid remains in top shape.

Four Skydrol cans are lined in a row.
Cans of Skydrol are seen on a production line.

Skydrol PE-5

Skydrol PE-5 is a fire-resistant hydraulic fluid offering the longest fluid life of any available phosphate ester fluid. It works well in high-moisture conditions and requires less frequent fluid replacement, reducing disposal volume and decreasing your environmental footprint.

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Skydrol 5

Skydrol 5 is a lighter-weight hydraulic fluid that allows users to save fuel. It’s the first aviation hydraulic fluid to show high-temperature erosion resistance, decreasing downtime.

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A person holds a Skydrol can.
A Skydrol can is seen.

Skydrol LD-4

The world’s best-selling Type IV aviation hydraulic fluid, Skydrol LD-4 is a low-density product that prevents valve erosion and controls deposits. It features an anti-erosion additive and acid scavenger to maximize its protective properties.

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Skydrol 500B-4

Skydrol 500B-4 is the only commercially available, standard-density aviation hydraulic fluid. It has been in service longer than any other phosphate ester product. It offers good erosion resistance.

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A person holds a Skydrol can at their side.

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