Policies and guiding documents

Precautionary principle

The core elements of the precautionary principle are reflected in our fundamental business processes. Eastman believes we have a responsibility to conduct our business activities in a manner that is protective of health and the environment.

Corporate guiding documents such as our Code of Business Conduct and our Responsible Care® pledge reflect our commitment to that belief. Those documents and supporting policies and procedures address our approach to the application of risk identification, assessment ​and management principles to our activities, which is fundamental to application of the precautionary principle.

As a member of the American Chemistry Council, we were one of the early adopters of the Responsible Care Code of Management Practices and we are signatories to the Responsible Care Global Charter. We continuously assess and evaluate our operations and products and implement plans to reduce risk and impact on human health and the environment. We are committed to continuous improvement of the safety and performance of our operations and products.