Eastman Foundation

Eastman Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization designed to support and promote economic success, social well-being and environmental integrity. The foundation places a special emphasis on directing programs toward improving the quality of life in communities where Eastman operates.

Foundation mission

Our mission to enhance the quality of life for society is inspired by the vision of a world where people and nature thrive. This can be achieved by working together and building healthy, vibrant, inclusive communities.  

Giving guidelines 

Through the Eastman Foundation, qualified nonprofit charitable organizations can receive financial support that provides sustainable community improvement. The funding will be based on the Foundation’s focus areas: economic success, social well-being and environmental integrity. Please keep in mind that any organization receiving funds must adhere to Eastman’s Code of Business Conduct. 

Contributions are for one year unless otherwise specified. Each request will be considered and compared against other requests received for that year. 

How to apply  

The Eastman Foundation only accepts contribution requests through our online application process. A prescreening assessment is available to determine organization or program eligibility. After an application has been submitted and reviewed, a decision will be communicated to each organization that has submitted a qualified application. 

As a general rule, Eastman will not consider contributions to the following:

  • Organizations that discriminate based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any status protected by applicable law
  • Places of worship and institutions devoted solely to religious instruction*
  • Individuals; athletic teams or sports-related events; bands, choirs or drill teams; fraternal, social or political organizations; or travel-related expenses, including student trips or tours

*Programs operating under the tax exemption of a religious organization are eligible for consideration if they are open to the public and the program's purpose is unrelated to furthering a religious faith.