Eastman sustainable wood coatings solutions provide a leg up in wood furniture marketplace

In today's competitive and environmentally conscious marketplace, wood furniture makers and coating formulators face numerous challenges, from meeting stringent environmental regulations to standing out with innovative, high-performance products. Eastman wood coating additives offer a solution that addresses these challenges while enhancing both product protection and sustainability. Eastman is committed to creating products that focus on three key impact areas: 

  • Mitigating climate change 
  • Mainstreaming circularity 
  • Caring for society by removing materials of concern (MOC) 

These focus areas drive Eastman’s innovation and sustainable solutions, helping customers produce more eco-friendly products while reducing reliance on fossil fuels. 

Sustainable solutions with Eastman Solus™ performance additives

Eastman Solus™ performance additives can play a crucial role in formulators and furniture manufacturers achieving their sustainability goals. Biobased Solus™ additives comply with the latest regulations concerning MOC and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). For instance, Solus™ does not include any MOC such as nitrocellulose, making the coatings less prone to combustion and safer to handle. Additionally, Solus™ is produced with fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to other coating additives and holds biodegradable certifications.

Advanced molecular recycling elevates Solus™ ES  

Solus™ ES offers an additional layer of environmental benefits. Manufactured from certified recycled content* through Eastman’s molecular recycling technology, Solus™ ES helps divert materials from the waste stream and repurpose old plastics. This innovative approach results in wood coating additives that contain up to 75% sustainable content, combining biobased materials with recycled content.

Performance and reliability  

The sustainability of Solus™ additives does not compromise their performance. Solus™ creates an effective barrier as a carrier base coat or primer, eliminating common surface defects, resisting UV light and salt, and preventing yellowing. It also enhances processing requirements by reducing dry-to-touch handling times and improving flow.  

Competitive advantage  

By using Solus™, wood furniture manufacturers and coating formulators can gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Coatings made with Solus™ not only look better but also last longer and stay stronger. These attributes provide users with a significant advantage as they seek innovative solutions that offer both sustainability and superior performance.  

Connect with us  

Interested in learning more or requesting a product sample? Connect with an Eastman representative today to explore how our wood coating additives can help you achieve your sustainability and performance goals.   

*Certified recycled content allocated using ISCC mass balance