Semiconductor manufacturers require specialized, high-purity solvents that enable highly efficient processes and reduce the risk of poor quality and the costs that come along with it. As chip size shrinks and industry demands grow, Eastman knows that purity counts.
EastaPure electronic chemicals are the result of decades of proven experience combined with world-class testing to achieve ever-evolving purity standards. These ultrapure solvents are made in world-class manufacturing facilities and housed in dedicated storage equipment to keep contaminants out. Meanwhile, specialized resources and in-house production controls ensure product reliability. Our dedicated technical support team is also available to troubleshoot and suggest the right product.
Whether you require solvents for photolithography, wet etching, wet cleaning, and packaging processes or a customized solution for novel process development, EastaPure solvents can deliver the solution you need.
The EastaPure line incorporates a variety of solutions to meet manufacturers’ and asset owners’ unique needs. Our dedicated experts can help determine which is right for you.