Propcorn NC


  • By-product preservation
  • Preservation & hygiene

Product description

<b>Complementary feed for pigs, poultry, ruminants and horses</b></br>Eastman™ Propcorn NC is a non-corrosive propionic acid-based product for aerobic preservation and for improved aerobic stability of crimped feeds and haylage. Eastman Propcorn NC resulted moderate irritant to the skin in the OECD 404 Test Guideline. The buffering of the product enables reduction of metal corrosion compared to non-buffered products. Therefore, Eastman™ Propcorn NC is safer to handle by the user and can be transported as non-ADR.</br>Propionic acid, being both fungicidal and fungistatic, is effective against both yeasts and molds. Being a non-corrosive product, Eastman Propcorn NC is still strong enough to lower fast enough the pH because of the substantial presence of free propionic acid (72.6 ± 2%) in the product. Eastman Propcorn NC is a concentrated product with a high concentration of active ingredient (max. 9% water).</br>Eastman Propcorn NC has shown to improve hygienic quality and aerobic stability of crimped grain with a moisture content of 18-30%. Treated crimped grain also improves the aerobic stability of TMR (total mixed ratio).</br>Horses prefer haylage ensiled with Eastman Propcorn NC when they had the choice between treated and non-treated haylage. Haylage treated with Eastman Propcorn NC has better hygienic quality than non-treated haylage.

Product availability

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If applicable, authorized distributors are in the regions listed below, with more details provided in the “Authorized distributors” section.

Product information