Tenite Renew Propionate 380A4000010 - Clear - Trsp 68


  • Compounders
  • Consumer housewares-NFC
  • Eyeglass frames
  • Eyewear
  • Flooring
  • Industrial machine guards
  • Large appliances non-food contact
  • Safety glasses/shield
  • Small appliances non-food contact
  • Sporting equipment

Product description

Tenite™ Renew cellulosic plastics are noted for their excellent balance of properties - toughness, hardness, strength, surface gloss, clarity, and a warm feel. The mechanical properties of Tenite Renew cellulosic plastics differ with plasticizer levels. Lower plasticizer content yields a harder surface, higher heat resistance, greater rigidity, higher tensile strength, and better dimensional stability. Higher plasticizer content increases impact strength. Tenite Renew cellulosic plastics are available in natural, clear, selected ambers or smoke transparent and black translucent. Color concentrates are available in let-down ratios from 10:1 to 40:1. Tenite Renew Cellulose Acetate Propionate 380-10 has a plasticizer level of 10%. It is resistant to high temperatures.

Eastman Renew polymers have been certified by International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), a global, independent agency for tracking sustainable content in a variety of industries. Renew polymers are produced with ISCC certified circular content by mass balance allocation.

Renew polymers enable a brand to reduce consumption of fossil feedstock-based plastics, achieve sustainability targets without compromise, and be a fast mover in a growing market for sustainable consumer products.

Product availability

If you are interested in learning more about product availability in your area, please complete the “Make an inquiry” form on this page.

If applicable, authorized distributors are in the regions listed below, with more details provided in the “Authorized distributors” section.

  • Asia Pacific

  • Europe, Middle East & Africa

  • Latin America

  • North America

Authorized distributors

Please select a region and country for a list of authorized distributors. If a country is not listed for a region, contact Eastman for further information.

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