Solus 6500 performance additive


  • Pack & carton coatings
  • Pack coating non-tobacco-NFC

Product description

Eastman Solus™ 6500 performance additive is a low-odor, free-flowing powder. When cellulose is esterified to form the mixed ester, the desirable properties are obtained, while still containing approximately 60% bio-content.</br></br></br> Solus™ 6500 is especially adaptable for use in coatings and inks because of its wide solubility in solvents, compatibility with other resins used in coatings and inks, and high melting point. Films formed from Solus™ 6500 have good leveling, fast solvent release, excellent anti-blocking, excellent chemical resistance to grease and oil, and high mirror effect gloss for metallization, superior to that of other film-formers. It can be used in combination with other Eastman Solus™ products to optimize the formulation. When Solus™ 6500 is dissolved in appropriate solvents, a clear and colorless solution is produced.</br></br></br> For applications that require food contact compliance, please discuss requirements with your Eastman technical expert.

Product availability

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If applicable, authorized distributors are in the regions listed below, with more details provided in the “Authorized distributors” section.

  • Asia Pacific

  • Europe, Middle East & Africa

  • Latin America

Authorized distributors

Please select a region and country for a list of authorized distributors. If a country is not listed for a region, contact Eastman for further information.

Product information