High-value crop growers are frustrated with the limited pesticide options for combating soil pests, specifically root-knot nematodes. By attacking and eating the roots of plants, these microscopic roundworms prevent water and nutrients from getting to the leaves and fruit, reducing harvest quantity and quality.

Cedroz is a nature-identical, post-planting bionematicide that provides growers with an innovative and effective solution to add to their IPM toolbox to combat nematodes.

This sustainable soil care product with a unique mode of action offers growers several important benefits related to its natural terpene-based formulation, created and patented by Eden Research plc. It leaves no residue, enabling application throughout the growing season until harvest. With its environmentally friendly profile, Cedroz allows for flexible and easy application. It has a multisite mode of action, reducing the risk of resistance development. The active substances in Cedroz are approved for use in organic farming in the EU.*

A farmer squatting down to examine the soil near their crops


“Nematodes are one of the most significant problems in protected horticulture. Cedroz is perfectly aligned for our needs as we prioritize products with zero residues and with favorable toxicological and environmental profiles. One of the most important aspects of Cedroz is that it is sustainable.”

– Antonio Cassarino, farmer, province of Ragusa, Italy

Pumpkins growing in the field


Protect your crops, and get the most value from your harvest. Learn why, when and how to apply Cedroz for optimal protection against root-knot nematodes.

Explore now


Combat root-knot nematodes effectively with Cedroz, an invaluable addition to your toolbox. Implement new and successful integrated pest management (IPM) strategies with confidence.

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Close-up of yellow, flowering tomato plants
A farmer picking ripe red tomatoes from the vine


Enhance your product portfolio by incorporating Cedroz, an effective solution for nematode control backed by commercial trial results.

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Let’s help your crops thrive.

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*According to Council Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labeling of organic products. Geraniol and thymol added via Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2164 of 17 December 2019 amending Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008.

Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions. Product labeling and associated claims may differ based on government requirements.