Quality materials that work

Eastman offers a portfolio of clear products with properties that solve a variety of challenges for the face protection and eyewear market. Consider all your safety, visibility and durability requirements when choosing the right Eastman material to fit your needs.

Tortoiseshell acetate eyeglasses lay partially in a case.

Tenite™ cellulosics

Tenite cellulosics offer exceptional chemical resistance due to their innate ability to release stress. Tenite acetate and propionate remain at the forefront of the industry, offering numerous advantages, including:

Clear optics — Pressed, polished acetate sheet sets the standard for clear and pristine optics. 

Scratch resistance — Cellulose acetate and cellulose acetate propionate (CAP) have industry-best scratch resistance. 

Antifog advantage — Natural antifog resistance makes cellulosics a clear choice for antifog and other coatings. 

Thin safety shields — CAP allows injection molding of safety shields that are half the thickness of polycarbonate (PC). 

Efficient processing — Sheets can be processed at 20% lower temperatures and dried in 25% less time compared with other popular polymers.

Made from trees — Tenite cellulosics are made from trees harvested from sustainably managed forests.  

For every pound of Tenite produced, 40% to 50% by weight is renewable content.*

*Eastman’s wood pulp suppliers hold internationally recognized sustainable forestry certifications issued by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and/or Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).

A man with glasses cycling through the city.

Eastman Tritan™ copolyester

Tritan copolyester sets the standard for its combination of impact strength, chemical resistance and more, including:

  • Equal or superior to polycarbonate (PC)
  • Easier to fabricate than PC
  • Lower density than PC
  • Saves energy and time — thermoforms at lower temperatures and no annealing required

Material property comparison

  Tenite cellulosic acetate Tenite cellulosic propionate (CAP) Tritan copolyester Polycarbonate (PC)
Scratch resistance +++ +++ ++ ++
Chemical resistance +++ +++ ++ +
Impact strength + + ++ ++
Heat resistance + ++ ++ +++
Optical clarity +++ ++ ++ ++


*Indicative of a cellulosic material with >15% plasticizer

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