About Adjust SL

Strong and steady wins the race to greater yields. Adjust SL plant growth regulator (PGR) is a chlormequat chloride (CCC) formulation. CCC is an active ingredient used successfully in Europe and Canada for many years with multiple proven benefits for growers and plants.

Close-up of golden wheat in a field.

Adjust SL is a PGR labeled for wheat, barley, oats and triticale in the U.S. With a wide application window, Adjust provides growers the flexibility to customize their PGR strategy in often-unpredictable environmental conditions.

The wide application window of Adjust SL provides multiple grower benefits

Graph explaining how Adjust SL has an application window of Feekes 1-9, compared to other solutions with shorter windows.

Under normal circumstances (good-quality soil, favorable weather, forward crop, lodging-resistant variety, etc.), the optimal timing to use Adjust SL is Feekes 4‒6 (Zadoks 30‒32). However, growing conditions are rarely close to ideal. Adjust SL is flexible to help you navigate the unknowns and protect your crop and investments. Growers have the option to apply one full dose or split applications as needed across early and late growth stages. Adjust SL’s broad application window allows growers to maximize their crop’s potential.

CCC has a slow onset of actions, so rooting and tillering can be manipulated. Manipulation is largely determined during cool, early growth periods. Adjust SL’s unique formulation helps plants respond under conditions as low as 33°F (1.1°C), making it the ideal PGR for colder days and when temperatures drop at night. Adjust SL is the ultimate tool in cereal PGR management, working effectively on the crop in different weather conditions and across early and late growth stages.

The art of cereal production lies in complex crop management. Growers must balance fertilizer applications and seeding rates with cereal varieties that have different levels of lodging susceptibility under unique scenarios. Unpredictable weather also adds to the complexity. Adjust SL can reduce some of the risk in growing firm-standing, healthy crops to maximize the field potential.

A healthy crop with a strong stand:

  • Improves water and nutrient uptake
  • Improves pollination
  • Improves light interception
  • Reduces risk of disease
  • Improves quality and yield
  • Saves time and money during harvest

To ensure a crop is healthy, growers invest significantly in crop protection products like herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and nitrogen. Lodging is a common limiting factor in maximizing high-quality yields from increased nitrogen management.

Flat, lodged crops create greater costs due to:

  • Reduced benefits on investments
  • Decreased yield potential
  • Decreased output quality (price premium)
  • Reduced harvest efficiency
  • Decreased harvesting speed
  • Increased fuel cost
  • Increased combine wear
  • Increased labor cost
  • Increased drying cost

Adjust SL is a proven tool to prevent lodging in wheat, barley, oats and triticale. Even in the absence of lodging, PGRs can help maximize yield and harvest efficiencies compared to untreated crops. Due to the quality of the airflow, upright and uniform crops create conditions for optimized pollination and reduction of fungal disease.

Crops treated with PGRs stand strong, steady and at even height, making them easier to harvest and improving harvest efficiency. By enabling faster harvests, the overall cost per acre decreases.

Combine speed* Acres per hour* Cost per acre**
3.5 mph 11.88 ~ $50
4.0 mph 13.57 ~ $43.77
4.5 mph 15.27 ~ $38.90
5.0 mph 16.97 ~ $35

*Estimates are based on header width of 35 feet and 80% field efficiency, including, e.g., turning and unloading.
**Based on assumption of $35 per acre cost (fuel and maintenance) at 5 mph (16.97 acre per hour).

Strong, upright stems of even height are apparent on crops treated with a PGR. In contrast, the taller, weaker, untreated crop has suffered lodging.

Strong, upright stems of even height are apparent on crops treated with a PGR. In contrast, the taller, weaker, untreated crop has suffered lodging.

The complexities of maximizing yields in high-quality cereals are countless. The pressure is even higher when a grower has contracts for high-quality milling or malting grain. Growers can choose a promising cereal variety and level of nitrogen management, but rain, wind, hail, topography, soil fertility and other conditions are more difficult to control.

In agriculture, an industry with so many variables and unknowns, growers can reduce some of the risk by using a PGR. Adjust SL has a wide application window, giving growers flexibility when making complex decisions to maximize yield potential. Adjust SL is based on a CCC formulation that increases chlorophyll formation and can result in more uniform heads per acre for a greater crop yield. In small-plot trials conducted by Eastman in collaboration with university and private cooperators, cereal grains treated with Adjust SL saw an average 6.6% yield increase or 6.0 bu/a compared to the control in various applications.

Small-plot trial results, 2018–2020
Locations: California, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, North Dakota, Oregon
Number of trials: 29

  Single application Split application
Dosage 25 fl oz/a 2 x 12.5 fl oz/a
Timing Feekes 4–7 (Zadoks 30–32) Feekes 4–7 and 8–9 (Zadoks 30–32 and 37–39)
Three graphs showing trial results of Adjust SL single and split applications versus untreated crops, where Adjust SL shows better yield, height and lodging.

By reducing the risk of lodging in wheat, barley, oats and triticale, Adjust SL helps ensure all other agricultural inputs and nutrient investments are protected and perform at full potential to grow healthy, high-yielding crops.

A tractor spraying product on a green field.


Optimize your crop yield and reap the benefits with our timing and rate recommendations for Adjust SL.

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A hand touching a piece of golden wheat.

Product specifications

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Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions. Product labeling and associated claims may differ based on government requirements.
Pending EPA registration, Adjust SL is not yet registered for sale or use in the U.S.