Personal protective equipment (PPE)

The recommended PPE varies depending on the type of activity. Always check local requirements on the label.

Recommended PPE per activity for application of Nemasol™ soil fumigant

  Chemical-resistant gloves Chemical-resistant boots Synthetic coveralls Eye protection Air-purifying respirator*
Preparation of the soil/installing drip irrigation system or plastic film seal before Nemasol application          
Nemasol transfer or manipulation
Cleaning material and drums after transfer
Nemasol application
Applying plastic film or water seal after Nemasol application (no direct contact with Nemasol)  
Reentry during reentry period  
Removal of TIF (plastic film seal)  

*With active carbon filter type A (brown color code) for gases and organic vapors with boiling point > 65°C mounted on half-face or full-face mask

Have more questions about PPE?

Contact us

Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions. Product labeling and associated claims differ based on government requirements. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.