Fruits and vegetables

Nemasol soil fumigant enhances the process of growing fruits and vegetables with its one-time application, effectively combating a variety of nematodes, weeds, pests and soil diseases. By providing comprehensive protection, Nemasol supports crop growth and maximizes yield, making cultivation more successful.

A freshly plowed field of soil


Nemasol is applied to bare soil through drip irrigation lines or via injection technology, providing a one-step control of weeds, soilborne diseases and pests.

Rows of growing tomato plants on scaffolds


Tomatoes are delicate crops that demand careful monitoring due to their increased vulnerability to certain diseases compared to other crops. Nemasol can help control tomato-specific fungi and diseases like Fusarium oxysporum lycopersici as well as root-knot nematodes, perennial species and weeds. Using Nemasol allows growers to combat these pests, saving time and resources while enhancing tomato growth and yield.

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Nemasol is a broad-spectrum soil fumigant that protects a wide range of crops, including onions. It’s effective against onion-specific pests and diseases including stem nematodes, soil fungi and white rot. For onion growers, the ability to protect crops and optimize yield is crucial. Nemasol offers a solution that enables them to do that.

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A pile of onions resting on the soil, with a tractor visible in the distance
A close-up of strawberry plants growing in soil that’s partially covered in white plastic film.


Nemasol disinfects soils in strawberry plantations and sets the stage for optimal growth and yield. By combating fungi that cause root rot, root-knot nematodes and root lesions, Nemasol allows strawberry plants to flourish.

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Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions. Product labeling and associated claims differ based on government requirements. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.