About Nemasol soil fumigant

Every successful harvest starts with fertile, healthy soil. When applied appropriately, Nemasol can help maintain optimized soil conditions.

A close-up of a hand holding soil

Why choose Nemasol
for your soil management needs?

Effective and economic

Controls weeds, soilborne diseases and pests in a single application, leaving no quantifiable residues

Versatile in application, consistent in result

A broad-spectrum solution for integrated soil management

Improved yield with faster turnover rate of land

Rebalances soil, so crops can establish themselves faster and more vigorously

A trusted solution from a global innovator

Security of supply, shared expertise and steadfast stewardship

A farmer looking out to their potato field.

inspired by nature

A mainstay of Eastman’s soil care portfolio, Nemasol offers a broad-spectrum solution for integrated soil management. Leaving no quantifiable residues, it's an effective way to control weeds, soilborne diseases and pests compatible with biological control — without interfering with pollinators like honeybees.

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How Nemasol works

Eastman offers two grades of Nemasol: metam sodium and metam potassium. Both are N-methyldithiocarbamate salts that are commercially available in aqueous solutions. Once applied, Nemasol decomposes into methyl isothiocyanate (MITC), the major gaseous active metam metabolite known to act as a broad-spectrum soil fumigant.

MITC and many other isothiocyanates (ITCs) are generated when crops like Brassicaceae are macerated. This process results in the enzymatic (myrosinase) conversion of glucosinolates into corresponding ITCs, many of which demonstrate biological activity. This concept is also the basis of biodisinfection — growing appropriate crops on the field to be treated and then incorporating the fully grown crop. Alternatively, the crop can be harvested and then spread and incorporated at another field location. The problem is that glucosinolate content can fluctuate, so the precise content of the active compound is not known.

Nemasol provides consistent protection against a vast catalog of soil-inhabiting plant pathogenic organisms such as nematodes, fungi and insects. It also aids in the control of weeds and their seeds.

Read more about the benefits of Nemasol to growers

Soils and why they are fumigated

The soil ecosystem

Soil is a complex environment composed of diverse mineral and organic elements. It serves as a biotope for both beneficial organisms and plant pathogens. Mineral soil particles and organic material are present in different forms and quantities. They determine the coarseness or fineness of the granular structure, sorption phenomena, and intergranular and intragranular open space, allowing for water and gas transport. Some soil-inhabiting organisms, such as nitrification bacteria, are beneficial.

What happens to soil with poor crop rotation

In cultivated soil with poor crop rotation, there is a higher likelihood of encountering crop pathogens that can lead to soilborne diseases. Additionally, soil-inhabiting crop pests such as nematodes can reach densities that exceed the threshold for crop damage. Other types of crop-threatening organisms include weeds and their soil-surviving seeds or structures.

After harvest or crop removal, any remaining plant debris and/or plant roots enhance the risk of soil-surviving plant pathogens or pest organisms. Depending on the type of crop, different risk organisms survive at lesser or greater specific depths.

How to maintain high-quality soil

A solution to avoid these threats is to apply soil fungicides, nematicides or herbicides. However, very few of the currently available plant protection products are appropriate for soil treatment. Many of them need repeated cultural treatments and present a potential danger for residue accumulation in the crop.

Soil fumigation as a pre-cultural measure is a more favorable solution. Most soil disinfectants have broad spectrum activity. In other words, they are often fungicidal, nematocidal and herbicidal. Depending on the application mode or technique, they can reach and treat deeper soil layers according to need.

This table illustrates the typical depth distribution of soilborne pathogens and pest organisms.


Soil depth (cm) Disease or pest organisms

Pythium spp., Phytophthora citricola

Bacteria (Erwinia, Pseudomonas)

Free-living nematodes (Longidorus, Pratylenchus, Paratylenchus)


Sclerotium cepivorum, Rhizoctonia spp., Phoma spp., Didymella lycopersici, Symphylans, Ralstonia solanacearum, Phytophthora fragariae, Verticillium albo-atrum, Plasmodiophora brassicae, Thielaviopsis, Botrytis cinerea, Pyrenochaeta lycopersici

Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne)

Cyst-forming nematodes (Heterodera)

40–60 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Corticium solani
> 60 Fusarium oxysporum, Rosellinia necatrix

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Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions. Product labeling and associated claims differ based on government requirements. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.